New Human Subspecies Discovered

Dr Stephen Smith, noted anthropologist announced Tuesday that he had discovered yet another subspecies of homo sapiens. While excavating a prehistoric midden his team again discovered the bone of what appears to be ancient dumpster divers, winos and social cast-offs that they encountered in earlier digs.
Dr. Smith concluded that this subculture has continued to this very day, unnoticed by others, not only within his profession but by society as a whole. He has suggested the name “Garbiguals” as they’re socially centred upon garbage and the cast offs of the predominant society of their time.
Smith was once again condemned, tarred, feathered, fired and blacklisted by the woke cancel culture powers that be. He has rebounded as a new regular Fox News contributor, earning triple what he did as Dean of the University.

15,000,000 Immigrants to Arrive in January

“Oh please, this place is freezing, send us home!”

Fake News Flash – There Was No Polio

In the latest reveal, has discovered that there was no need for a Polio vaccine as there never was such a disease as polio in the 20th century. Conservative Republican researchers discovered that FDR did not have a disease, he was merely a stumbling drunk socialist that blew out his liver with vodka supplied by Josef Stalin until Roosevelt eventually died of cirrhosis during World War 2.
Iron lungs were fake contraptions photographed on a Hollywood backstage (where the later Moon landing was filmed) meant simply to scare the bejeezuz out of little children.
Vaccine given in schools and the resultant scars on baby boomer’s arms were actually an early government conspiracy to control people – the scars a result of implanting early ‘micro vacuum tubes’ designed by Bill Gates’s grandfather before nano-technology was invented.’
It is claimed that in the event of a major electromagnetic pulse, such as one from an atom bomb, the devices could explode and blow the left arm off 50% of the Earth’s inhabitants.

Spacecraft Captures Pictures of Earth 100 Years From Now

Nearing Black Hole, Light from future captured

The meek shall inherit what’s left of the Earth.
Images from the New Horizons spacecraft, which scientists believed were images of Pluto have now been determined to be actual pictures of Earth 103 years and 4 months in the future.
The craft had actually flown right out of the Milky Way and crossed the event horizon of a previously undiscovered black hole where it captured light from the future in its digital lenses. The dark areas in the photo were once the oceans which were drained to recover oil once the price bottomed out at $2 a barrel.
The light area is what remains of the former continents once Republican-Conservative New World Order Party allowed expansion of the Alberta oil sands. It appears that what remains of humanity has settled on Mars and is supplied by the Endridge Space Gateway pipeline fully funded by public money raised through a 1000% GST. The native population of Martian Aliens were all rounded up and gassed, which RC Party members insist does not make them fascists. “How can we be like Nazis? They weren’t even Jewish! They worshipped some slimy green Entity they called U’gluthoo”, said Senator Luther P. Butticks, bastard great-great grandchild of Sarah Palin.

Canada Finally Settles On New Fighter Jets

The tiny nation of Lutonia has offered to replace Canada’s six fighter planes with as many as the RCAF asks for. Prime Minister Yosh Schmenge says they have hundreds of leftover planes from it’s former Soviet days before independence.
Canada will acquire over 320 of the planes, a much larger quantity than it was seeking and add thousands of Jobs For Youth positions piloting, maintaining and building bases in the Arctic. The purchase price of less than one F35 leaves billions for programs so young Canadians will have something to do besides TikTok and Instagram all day on EI.
“Only problem is”, said Schmenge, “there are no pilots. You must come get them and bring pilots. All of ours quit the Lutonian Air Force to become accordion players in Polka bands once there was no more USSR to defend.”
With no need of any Armed Forces, as no country in their right mind would attack such a miserable and backward country, Lutonia saw 79% of enlisted men and 100% of officers not qualified for pensions emigrate within six months of independence. Most became cabbage farmers, but almost 92% of accordion players in polka bands worldwide claim a Lutonian heritage.

Justin Apologizes For Being Born

After apologizing for everything else in the world, including the fact your pancakes didn’t rise properly. Justin Trudeau apologized today for even being born. Hopefully this is the last apology well hear…. see Page 126

Cranky Old White Man Elected President

Through the massive fraud created by winning the most votes, Joe Biden was elected President in November. Repeated attempts by coup, by attempting to manipulate the Electoral College, by fake News Agencies created by rich fascists and by whining like little pampered babies have failed to overturn the election.
Now the Extreme Leftist Bogeyman (in Canadian terms – makes Erin O’Toole look like a Commie) is really gonna get’cha, Americans. Ya better watch out when ya send them kids out Trick or Treating for Covid that he’ll leap out of their candy bag and steal your freedumb.

American Dog Bites Man Story:

19 children and two adults were killed in a shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Authorities say the teenage gunman obtained his weapons legally and had a constitutional right to own them, end of story.
Meanwhile Republicans said once again that now is not the time to discuss gun control, they will only accept gun bans when Donald Trump is giving a speech. They all offered their thoughts and prayers to whatever demonic entity they worship.
Amid criticism that police only entered the school after an extremely long delay in which the shootings continued, they performed their usual public ritual of lining up shoulder to shoulder and congratulating each other for having followed procedure so well.
In the US Senate a motion to do nothing at all as per usual, was soundly defeated as a Democrat had proposed it. Republicans congratulated each other on filibustering a motion that school shootings should be discussed.
Human beings who live elsewhere in the real world propose that American familes should pack up and move somewhere safer, like Mariupol, Somalia or Yemen.

15 Yr Old Builds Hydro Dam to Power His Newest Video Card

Fifteen yeard old Harold Sneed from Anus, Alberta used a GoFundMe campaign to raise enough capital to build a hydro dam on a local creek to power his new nVidia 30800x super video card in his gaming computer.
At the rate donations from other basement dwellers are pouring in, he may raise enough to purchase a new mobile home sized computer case to house the 2.5 Megawatt Thermaltook power supply to run it.
The graphics card is capable of outputting a resolution approximately three times that of the new James Webb Space Telescope at over 360 frames per second. Processors and memory chips are cooled with liquid helium at 4 degrees Kelvin and a heat sink made from metallic Hydrogen disperses it evenly.
Harold is extremely excited as he looks ahead to playing Roblox soon on his new machine.

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