Dear Blabby:
I’m one of those millions suffering from depression and people just don’t realize how difficult it is to get up and face another day of feeding the kids and getting them to school and having to think about feeding them again all day while doing endless routine chores. I have no friends and my husband just doesn’t understand me. There are no services no support help available here from the public services. What can I do?
Down in Windsore Ont.
Dear Down in Windsore:
Moan, moan, piss and moan. No wonder you have no fucking friends, you sound like a wet sock dipped in dog shit. I suggest you take up a hobby like sewing for example. Then you can get down on your goddam knees and run your lips through the machine so we don’t have to hear it. Fuck off and die you ignorant bitch.
Dear Blabby:
I’ve spent countless hours, millions of dollars and evey ounce of my energy trying to convince everyone how rich we’ll all be once the LNG terminals open. But no matter what, I just can’t make it happen! What should I do now?
Dear Chrissy:
How’s about shut up your mouth? You already spewed more gas than will ever ship from Kitimat so go onto something else already. No one gonna spend billions when they can’t get shit for the product and you pretty much already gave away the whole store with concessions as it is. Everybody knows this so they’re just laughing at you anyway!
Dear Blabby:
I recently drove my 790 lb daughter all the way across the country to see the acclaimed Dietician Dr. No. It took 5 days. motels. meals and thousands of dollars hauling that huge trailer with the forklift so I could even get her in and out of the car.
When we finally got there Dr. No said he would be happy to take her as a patient, but first he needed to examine her. I wished to accompany her into the exam room as she is only nine and it is my decision as her birth mother.
But he insisted I wear a mask due to current Covid restrictions and I had to tell him that I can not wear a mask due to ‘health issues’. Dr. No simply replied that I should ‘fuck off and die then’ and turned his back and walked away. I am out time, thousands of dollars and my daughter has gained another 82 lbs eating drive in dinners during the wasted trip.
What do you think of his incredibly rude and unprofessional actions?
Momma Bear
Dear Momma Bear:
Dr. No musta be a man a few words. You selfish ignorant c{-del-}t can’t wear a mask for ten minutes for the sake a you own kid? Awww my heart it bleeds for you. You as fucked up asa you piggy girl, anna you probably made her that way. At least she can come back when she is 12 and fucka you permission. If she so lucky to live that long.
Dear Blabby:
I took my daughter back to Dr. No as soon as the Covid restrictions ended. She had turned 10 and was up to 865 lbs. since that first attempt to see him. The Dr. gave her a 1500 calorie diet and asked her to return in a month for a weigh in. She’d gained another 17 lbs. I told the doctor that she’d followed his diet and he must have done something wrong. It’s not her fault!
Momma Bear
Dear Momma Bear:
No, it’s not the Doctor’s fault you blithering moron, it’s yours. She was only supposed to eat what was on the diet – not eat that too! Duhh!!!
Dear Blabby:
I took my husband to Dr. Pimple Popper and all I got back was a pile of skin.
Melva C. Johnson
Dear Melva:
Lucky you. Same reason why even though President Trump was clogged up with cheeseburgers the Doctors couldn’t risk giving him an enema.