Rugged Proven Pickup Quality

If you’re looking for tough, long lasting and proven quality in your next pickup truck, there’s only one brand to consider. As you’ve seen on Top Gear, the indestructible Toy— pickup! Here’s more:
This truck owned by Achmed Mohammed Bin Achmed was struck with $1,400,000.00 worth of guided bombs by an F-18 while on its way to the town market. Rather than simply scrap it, Mr. Achmed took advantage of a Kidney Car credit and donated it through the Carve Out a Kidney While Beheading The Infidel Society and received a goat, three oranges and a loaf of bread.
Within three days, the pickup was back on the road ferrying mullahs to far away schools to cleanse them of females, apostates, dupes and disciples of the Great Satan America. As you can see, the cargo bed is large and even the standard model has sufficient room in the cab to accommodate two ex-Gestapo advisers and forty-seven Zionists in the ashtray.
When you’re looking for a pickup truck consider Toy—, the choice of terrorists everywhere.